
Pinterest Board Strategy

February 2, 2023

I'm always trying to demystify the world of building for our clients. Information is key so I hope you find these blogs helpful

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A comprehensive system for homeowner, builder and architect.

If you’ve decided to renovate or build your home then chances are you are familiar with Pinterest. If you’re new to the Pinterest game and would like to set up a system for your build here are 3 simple recommendations for an effective system that you, your architect and your builder can use as a reference point. You’re finally getting down to the knitty gritty of building your home or undertaking a renovation and it’s time to get a system in place that can be used as a reference point for both you and your builder to ensure you get the finish you have been dreaming of. This framework will give you comprehensive actionable steps to get you going. So let’s dive in.

  1. To begin with, create a Pinterest account and start looking at all of the beautiful homes people have created before you. You can find the steps to creating an account here.
  2. Once your account is active it’s time to get pinning. If you take one thing away from this blog, it’s this. Create seamless board architecture. Have a system that you can quickly post inspirational images into so that you know exactly where they are when you come back to show your architect or builder. 
  3. Now is the tricky part, you have to select what you would like in each room. I recommend creating a mental list from floor to ceiling of what you would like in each specific room. 
  • Floor covering (carpet, floorboards, tiles, concrete finish)
  • Paint colour
  • Wall lining (plaster finish, v groove lining boards, timber cladding, stonework)
  • Electrical fittings (fans, downlights, speakers)
  • Plumbing fittings (tapwear, baths, shower heads)
  • Cabinetry finish (vanner, timbers, 2 pack)

So there you have it, a framework to get you going. So what are you waiting for, get pinning! If you would like some inspiration, I’ve been pinning for many years and think we have a beautiful gallery of homes to share. The timber finishes are definitely a theme, but there is plenty to find in each board. I would love it if you found some inspiration from them. Click here to check out our Pinterest board.

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A nice blend of old and new.

barwon heads, VIC

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